Neck: should my what where?

Neck Should My Fist Eye AmazonNeck
Should My Fist Eye

In reality, what is your neck? It’s that place where your head and torso come together, fully flexable in every way and nearly independant of it’s surroundings, yet eternally connected to the heart and mind by a complex web of structure. Much like the human body part by the same name Long Island’s Neck display a schizophrenic identity between providence and independance. Should My Fist Eye is not your older brother’s version of stomp-along NYHC! This is a seriously twisted interpretation of the musical world that embrases the extreme as if it were inbred and provides a connections betwen the psychedielic ideal and street smart reality. This is a spiritual meeting of the insanity and artistic identities of Mike Patton, Frank Zappa and Charles Ives. Thrashing riffs greet melodic inflections as if they were highschool sweethearts from suburban Long Island town. The interplay of emo, hardcore, avant garde and thrash flows like the tentative first kiss of teenage lust. As the forms embrace they result in a function that flirts with explosive disaster. If it isn’t painfully obvious before the first pause in “Stingmask ii” that Neck are unique in their brand of musical expressionism, than nothing from the noise-core genre is likely to rattle your proto-typical pop ways. Neck retain definative patterns inside the guise of emotional release without the use of traditional song patters. Rather, each soundscape undulates between gritty tonal tension and emotional harmonic release. Barely grasping the coorilation between the previous passage and the next Neck allow the music to flow leaving bruises in the wake of thier dynamic complexity. Hardcore is an ideal as much as it is a sound and LIHC sons Neck strive to embody the varrying aspects as much as either the human heart or mind would allow throughout Should My Fist Eye.

About thedoormouse

I am I. That’s all that i am. my little mousehole in cyberspace of fiction, recipes, sacrasm, op-ed on music, sports, and other notations both grand and tiny:
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